Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Almost exactly one year since the last entry but really more like 16 months since any regularity. Safe to say that both the blog and the store were set aside for a period of time due to the juggling act of running a booth every weekend in the summer as well as for multiple holiday shows, while also raising a four-year-old and attempting to be creative while also promoting said creative work. And wouldn't you know it, Etsy sale pages and shop blog posts don't write themselves. 

But it's funny to me how I turned back to the blog at the exact same time this year as I did last year. Everything seems more apparently cyclical as the years go, and it feels more apparent because they are going by so much faster that the patterns are hard to miss. I make no activity resolutions but have high hopes and excitement and expectations for this year. 

This time two years ago, I had also just returned from a few weeks stay in Europe, as I have now returned from again this year, about nine days ago. One of my first projects I blogged about, Voyage - #3: the memorabilia, was a collage composed of tickets and receipts and pamphlets from that trip two years ago. That collage inspired me to save many similar items last month, but I may have saved too much for another collage and it was suggested to me that I could perhaps compose a book or album for the recent trip memorabilia. I think that it's a great idea and a chance to dip my feet into.... shhhhh... scrapbooking. 

I currently have so many ideas for new jewelry pieces that I am almost stuck not knowing where to start. So much inspiration was soaked up over the last month that I know it just takes clearing the work area, sitting down, eyeballing the materials of the day, and once again... just letting the ideas flow from brain to hands. Motivational analysis left at the door and ritual, organic movements embraced. 

When your almost-five-year-old son asks you why you haven't been making jewelry lately, it's time to pull your head out of your ass and get back to it.

Hope you are getting at yours as well. Cheers. 

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