Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Call of Cthulhu

If there's one thing that really portrays how quickly time can pass, for me it's to see the amount of time that can pass between blog posts while you weren't looking. And it's not that great things weren't being made or that great adventures weren't being had, all which could have been documented, but sometimes things just get away from you and it really takes some effort to keep on top of them. 

That said...

A bit of time ago, I went with a friend to Bosco's, our big local comic and game shop here in Anchorage, with the intent of finding some great game dice and other pieces to hopefully turn into some interesting jewelry. One of the finds that day was a set of game dice for Call of Cthulhu: Horror on the Orient Express. My disclaimer is that I am not at all a gamer and have no earthy clue what this game entails, but I like the purple and black colors.

Obviously, the first thing that would be required is to figure out how to put some holes through these pieces. I had yet to drill dice so after doing a quick "how to" search, I learned that it entails applying a drill to a clamped piece, and pressing the button. Honestly, I thought it would be a bit more difficult than that, but turns out that dice are quite easy and interesting to drill.

After that, it's pretty easy-peasy and this necklace was finished within an hour.

Really enjoying how it turned out and I can't wait to start drilling more plastic!